Tuesday, January 11, 2011

World's Most powerful Countries

Which country on the planet has the most powerful armed forces? It's not a matter of numbers, although that's a major factor. 

By size (number of troops), the top ten nations looks like this;

 1. China

2. United States

3. India

4. North Korea

5. Russia

6. South Korea

7. Pakistan
8. Israel

9. Turkey

10. Iran
          But anyone who has studied military history knows that the number of troops is a misleading measure. There are several factors that make the troops of one army more effective than others. The most obvious modifying factor is weapons and equipment (quantity and quality). Closely related to this are the “combat support” elements. The most important of these are logistics (being able to move troops, and their supplies, long distances and in a timely manner) and maintenance (keeping things in repair and running under all conditions.) Then there are the intangibles (like leadership, training and the most intangible item of all; military tradition.) Apply all of those to the raw number of troops and you get different number. This number is called "combat power."

Top Ten By Combat Power

United States
Korea, South
Korea, North
United Kingdom

This post is made based on a trusted source. 


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