Sunday, February 6, 2011

Most Popular Hairstyles of All Time

Hairstyles come in all shapes and sizes. Have you had any of these?
AFRO : The hairstyle is perfect for people with curly hair. Guitarist Jimi Hendrix had one.
BOUFFANT : This is created by piling the hair up on top.
BOWL : Every child's worst nightmare, but the quick and easy answer for parents who want to save a bit of money.

THE COMBOVER : This is for those who like to pretend it isn't happening.

CORNROWS : This consist of braided hair in rows from front to back.
DREADLOCKS : This hairstyle is associated with the Rastafarian movement - that special Bob Marley look.
LIBERTY SPIKES : Will give you the definitive punk look. For longer lasting spikes, use glue.
FAUXHAWK : For those who want a little punk in their lives, there's the "FAUXHAWK" - one of the many David Beckham looks.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Interestingly "Stupid" Questions

            People may ask a "stupid" question mainly because either they have a lack of knowledge or you have an excessive amount of knowledge that you feel the question is "stupid." So in all, people really don't ask stupid questions they just ask questions that you feel are common sense. Or people might purposely ask a stupid question to be funny or annoying. Everything is relative. What's common knowledge where you are may not be somewhere else, and is most likely not stupid in the locale of the person asking.
Examples of so-called stupid questions :

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but people don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

Is it OK to use the AM radio after noon?

Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections?

What is the opposite of medium?

They say that only one in four rapes are reported. How do they know?

Can we spell creativity however we want?

What does "new and improved" say about the old product?

Are eyebrows considered facial hair?

What do you do when you see an endangered animal that is eating an endangered plant?

If a guy that was about to die in the electric chair had a heart attack should they save him?

If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?

If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?

You know that little indestructible black box that's used on airplanes? Why can't they make the whole plane out of the same substance?

If you're driving at the speed of light and you turn on you headlights, what happens?

Why don’t you ever see the headline Psychic Wins Lottery?

When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?

Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?

What do you call a male ladybug?

If you can enjoy yourself, why can’t you enjoy anyone else?

If Pinocchio said, “My nose is about to grow”, what would happen?

If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Punctuation Marks

         Punctuation marks can make or mar the meaning of a sentence. Punctuation marks are a set of symbols, and are an integral part of written language. There are specific rules for the usage of each. Punctuation marks help put the spoken words into writing. Correct punctuation helps convey what is meant.

                 One of the most important and difficult things to teach to students learning English as a second language is punctuation. Punctuation Marks are a set of symbols with specific rules for the usage of each one.

                  Before proceeding further, let us understand why punctuation is required in a language. The complete meaning of a sentence depends on the punctuation that is used in a sentence. I would like to share a small story that we were told while being taught punctuation. 

          The story goes as –

          Once the Czar of Russia condemned a man to death. The Czar sent an order to the jailer ‘Pardon Impossible. To be executed.’ The Czarina, who had a soft corner for the prisoner, changed the place of the full stop from after the word impossible to before it and the order stood as ‘Pardon. Impossible to be executed.’ And the prisoner was saved from execution. This small story explains the importance of punctuation very well.

            Punctuation helps to put spoken words into writing. Punctuation helps to bring in the right kind of expression into writing for which voice intonation, volume, tone, pauses are used while speaking. Let us take another example: ‘Don’t Stop.’ means carry on, you are not required to stop. Rewriting the same words as ‘Don’t. Stop’ means stop what ever is being done with immediate effect. Definitely both the sentences would be spoken in a different manner.

              These days we tend to ignore punctuation. Appropriate use of punctuation shows that a person has good knowledge of grammar. A person likes to pay attention to what is being written and what is meant from the same. It helps create clarity of meaning.

The most common punctuation marks are given below with their usage:
Also known as fullstop. It is used to depict  • Completion of a sentence;
e.g. The activists have been arrested.
• In abbreviations;
e.g. Dear Ms. Muffet, ……
It is used as the shortest pause that is made while speaking. It can be used at many places in a sentence, but the most common usage of the comma is : • To separate a list of words in a sentence;
e.g. Reena, Sheena, Diven and Saksham are going to a movie.
Represents a pause of greater importance and length than a comma. It is used to separate closely related independent clauses;
e.g. He was a tall, gallant warrior; we all loved him.
A colon also represents a pause, more complete than a semi colon, but less a full stop. It is generally used before a list or an explanation. e.g. The teacher said: “ Reading is important if you want to learn a language.”

Also known as inverted commas. These are used to depict quoted or spoken language. They are used when the words are repeated as they were said. e.g. The Principal said: “All teachers are required to be present for the staff meeting.”

The exclamation mark is used after sentences used to express emotion or a wish, and interjections;
e.g. O Father! In heaven ….

A question mark is the sign of the interrogative and is used after direct questions; e.g. Would you like to have a cup of tea?


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Guitar-like Musical Instrument

There are quite a number of the guitar-like musical instruments around the world. These are some of them.
Balalaika from Russia


The Cavaquinho also known as Machimbo

Chapman Stick or  "The Stick"


Mandolin of Italiano

Shamisen : Japanese traditional musical instrument
Double Bass


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Jungle Hero

If you were lost in the jungle, what are the things you'd want with you? The phone or laptop or any GPS has no use because there is no internet and the place is totally out of satellite range.  This post is about the things i would like to have if i were lost in the jungle.

First of all, all the things that i chose to have will be packed in this military backpack. It is just because the backpack looks cool. Especially on me.

Army boots. Should prevent my feet from getting hurt.
Jeans. I'm not going to have or wear any shirt in the jungle because I'll look more masculine in that way.
When the climate is very cold and unbearable by me, I'll use this to cover my body. This thing is called as the blanket.

First thing i would do after i realized i have lost in the jungle is, I'll find a good spot and plant this seeds. The seeds will grow into variety plants and give me abundant supply of food.
Fertilized eggs. When the eggs hatched, it will become chicken, therefore, i can have chicken meat. Also the chickens will lay eggs too. The cycle continues.

The astronaut's food. Just add water to use. Practical and easy. To use before the chicken eggs hatched or the plants produce yields.
This is no ordinary bracelet. It is the anti-mosquitoes bracelet. It repels the mosquitoes away.
I'll shoot any wild animals or cannibals using this.

For many good reasons, i will keep this rope so that it can come in handy when i need it.

Plain water because water is essential for life. When the water in the bottle is used up, the the bottle is used to collect the rain water.
Giant Swiss-knife. For multi purposes.

Lighter. To light the bonfire at night. The bonfire could keep me warm and scare the animals away.

Last but not least, the kinetic torchlight. this thing will never runs out of energy.

 With all these things in my backpack when i got lost in the jungle, i am sure enough that I'll survive for a very long time.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Invention Happens

 An invention is "the discovery or creation of a new material (either a new manufactured product or a new composition or matter), a new process, a new use for an existing material, or any improvements of any of these."

A-Maze-Ing door chain

Butter Sticker

Bomb-like watch

May I introduce you, THE PAPERVASE.
Broken but functioning lamp
Now, everybody wants to wash their hands.
Lonely no more.

Tidy and neat also

Superman's clothes hanger

Umbrella Tube

Talk to the chest hair!